Sunday, August 30, 2009

My mother is always reminding me to slow down and recognize the presence of people; to pay attention to people's needs. I do that already but sometimes I get so caught up in my grind that I only worry about me. This weekend I heard my mother saying, "slow down." I did and I recognized people. I remembered names. I paid attention to facial expressions and needs...more than normal. People need people. Human/social contact is so important. I'm all for having alone time & I love to be alone in my own space. But this weekend I got out, opened myself up, and allowed people into my world in a different way than before. And it was great. 

Friday, August 28, 2009

Social Change

Today I sat in a health clinic for people with limited or no health insurance. I have health insurance through my school, but they have no walk-in clinic. I needed to get a physical & TB exam for my job TODAY. Where would I have been without the Mile Square Health Center?! Definitely wouldn't have been able to start work next week. 
As I sat in the clinic, I read Afeisha's twitter message of a girl who watched her walk to work everyday. The girl sent her aunt to ask Afeisha what college she attended. SPELMAN COLLEGE. Afeisha is a social worker in training and helped to change the world by walking to work everyday....that's power. Now, the girl wants to work in the court system & attend Spelman, just like Afeisha. This story renewed my hope in the human race & ability to make things better. 
Lesson: People are watching. Be awesome everyday. 

Sidenote: Jay-Z on Bill Maher tonight...HOT!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I have embarked upon a journey that has already proven to change the rest of my life. I left my family to make the world a better place. What a sacrifice...can't even begin to describe the different feelings I have about the decision to move to Chicago. But I'm here and about to make moves. I see why Chicago is known for social work. Social injustice is in your face. Just drive from one end of the city to the next and the quality of living changes drastically. I see why so many people are gun-ho about the oppressed. Something has to be done. Empowerment. Self determination. It's lost and needs to be found. I have joined the team of people fighting for social justice. Thanks to all my friends & family who supported my decision to move to Chicago. This first blog post is for you. xoxo