Thursday, January 21, 2010

I haven't been writing because I have been in such a negative, pessimistic mood internally the last few months. But my mom said I should still write. And with all the things going on to me, Chicago, this country, and the world, I think she is right. First, the effects of the earthquake in Haiti have really got to me; So much so that if someone mentions an opportunity for me to go and help I will have all of my stuff packed and in storage by Monday! Second, I moved to Chicago because I really thought that I would get a fun, creative, mind boggling, and eye opening experience. I have gotten so much more! I have been personally challenged in so many ways since August that thinking about the next 3 months makes me want to crawl under the covers and never come out. Third, I'm looking for ways to make myself happy and it feels weird. Maybe because I have no one else to think about in the process. It is just me, myself, and I...that feels wonderful and lonely all at the same time. Crazy contrast.