Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day

There is snow everywhere! It literally snowed all day yesterday and right now I can't even see the street. Cars are moving extra slow. I am definitely not driving tomorrow. Will be catching the bus and train. Hope the buses will be running smoothly with all of the CTA cuts. At least it is not that cold. Still in the 30's. I think I am experiencing my first snowstorm! With the way my car was slippin and slidin yesterday I don't know if I will be able to live here past graduation

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Met up with some Spelman sisters, fun, fun. Met some new people to hang with in the chi...yay! Love meeting new people, it opens the windows of opportunity. Never know what people can offer and vice versa. Life.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I haven't been writing because I have been in such a negative, pessimistic mood internally the last few months. But my mom said I should still write. And with all the things going on to me, Chicago, this country, and the world, I think she is right. First, the effects of the earthquake in Haiti have really got to me; So much so that if someone mentions an opportunity for me to go and help I will have all of my stuff packed and in storage by Monday! Second, I moved to Chicago because I really thought that I would get a fun, creative, mind boggling, and eye opening experience. I have gotten so much more! I have been personally challenged in so many ways since August that thinking about the next 3 months makes me want to crawl under the covers and never come out. Third, I'm looking for ways to make myself happy and it feels weird. Maybe because I have no one else to think about in the process. It is just me, myself, and I...that feels wonderful and lonely all at the same time. Crazy contrast.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Life Changes

Never realized how much life could change within a 6 month period. I didn't realize how much growing I could do living on my own in a different city. Never would've have thought the people I depended upon wouldn't be there. Never would have thought certain friends and family would be there. I feel like my life is clearing itself out; maybe getting ready for something new and exciting. Today, I accept those changes.

Every day and every moment is new...I'm still excited about what Chicago has to offer me.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


There is too much violence. Too many homeless people. Too many drugs. Too many kids without healthcare. Too many rape victims. Too many kids not getting enough love. Teenagers having babies. Youth with potential who have no money to attend college. Not enough positive mentors. Why doesn't the paparazzi focus on this aspect of life? Show us the truth photographers. Show us what is happening on the southside of Chicago everyday. Show us what is happening on the streets of Los Angeles. More people have to come together to help. It's all too much.

In that same breath, human beings are so resilient. African-Americans are still surviving. Latinos are still helping to build a country that was taken from them. We're still breaking barriers. We will continue to break barriers. We have to.